



【STEPN】Mid Week May 26, 2022 Weekly AMA | Ask Me Anything full-text transcription



Solana Chain, BNB Smart Chain (BSC) GMT and GST balance, STEPN app glitches, and STEPN (Step) AMA regarding new content in the Stepner app.

The speakers are Jerry and Yawn and the host is Barndog.



The following English text is based on the YouTube transcription function.
The transcription may differ from the actual audio in some parts, so please watch YouTube as well if you want to get an accurate understanding.

Please forgive me if some parts are difficult to read.

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A spreadsheet to calculate mint cost (market value) is now available free of charge.
We hope you will make use of it.



oh the recordings are great i've got that all set up to go uh welcome along everyone to stage we've got over 4 000

people listening today so we've got a special ama on um i'm actually personally in greece so i've missed a

lot of the action that's been happening in discord and by action it's been pretty pretty rough in the last couple of days from everything i see

there's a lot of fun there's a lot of nervous people in the community we're a game that's approaching a million daily active users and there's

there's a lot of things been thrown around the last couple days so i had lists written down for research for the

ama for the weekend i can definitely feed off of those but um i mean it's this is the second time we've done a

mid-week ama that we've kind of needed in six months so i think that's a good positive thing to look at anyway but

it's good you're welcome to stage um pretty trying times this week yeah a few

nervous people yes i think we just put out a tweet in

the middle of this week and uh i think we actually wanted to wait until

this saturday to explain you know the whole system of how it works and uh seemed that uh is causing a lot

of commotions in the community which we feel that we need to address that before the saturday so that

people actually understand how things work so when you say uh the tweet you're

talking about the realms yeah that's that was pretty massive news um and that that's the tweet you kind of made

yes and uh because uh we actually trying to keep a little bit of a secrecy there that not

explaining how it works and uh singing some alphas for saturday and

and uh seeing that people are feeling that uh somehow this atlanta

server or 10 has been abandoned but you know that's not the truth so which is the reason that we're having the ama

today just to set something straight yeah i like it i mean i've had a space yesterday with jason as

we do every week monday wednesday friday and i kind of talked about a little bit and i mean i saw the realms thing as

pretty exciting personally so this isn't me trying to um wash hands or shield a project or

anything like that anybody can see solana and finance is one realm each there's two

realms it looks like from the tweet we've had a third realm that might already be organized and coordinated

with the team and it's put out an advertisement for a fourth realm and the the theory crafting behind that and

thinking about it is massive it is something awesome um but it's all tied into the gmt right

it's all tied into this utility that we've talked about for months now um really that's current project you know

it's all tied into gmt one utility token so it doesn't matter what server you're

gonna earn that on and even during where was it it was in your um your ama

this week with uh baron sorry i'll just paul barron uh you talk about yes yeah

so that was a big ama for people that haven't seen that you should absolutely go and watch that ama paul baron on

youtube he's got 400 000 uh followers i'm not shilling another uh another

youtuber just for the point of it it was a good source of information so i mean it all links up to the utility token

which eventually we know that's what takes the longevity of the project any further um but it yeah i mean obviously

there's a lot of you say toxicity you'd have to say toxicity a lot of toxic people in the

community in the last week that are going well how come finance is 10 times solana you're forgetting about solana

but the case of it is uh you're going to earn gmt on any chain and it's all going to be effectively the same price yeah

yes so people will see we're gonna roll out many many updates in the coming months

that uh what we are planning in this place for we have actually three major update

we're gonna make in the next week so notes and uh

um a little bit of delay so we're supposed to roll out some of the updates

uh weeks ago but uh you know that's when we roll out the phase four banners on the twitter

but nevertheless uh we are roughly get ready and uh we're gonna start to roll out what is

actually gonna happen in the phase four and the rom will be unfortunately the

phase five so they're gonna be a little bit of uh weight for people

the realms phase five because you said two to three months away and the i think the tweet said it or it was on paul power and you said it so you did say two

to three months before we look at the third realm at least for the three months

so i mean there's so many things that we can talk about and there's there's so much happening in the game in the space and

and maybe maybe some of the pushback is people look like it's too much what would you kind of say with that you're like we're

going to have a whole heap of questions thrown at stage two and just before we we get to some of those i want to give you on a chance to talk and answer some

of these things as well and then we absolutely want to get to these stage questions so i mean do you think it's

too much too quickly like we've got major game mechanics changing we've got nfts coming out we've got the minting

scrolls coming out we had the finance chain obviously it's been a very different price change um there's people

talking about the genesis sneaker holders being over-rewarded everybody else under-rewarded but then we've got

the fomo do you know like there is so much happening in the space it's not a simple thing to just look at we need to

make sure we vigilantly stay up to date with the information so maybe that might

be a bit too much or what do you think john so again we're looking at the history you

know we start december last year so we're literally six months old and as much as we wanted to push things

forward uh sometimes we have to be really patient with some of the updates

especially with some of the things we're building uh in the background that will need a lot of

battle tests before we actually roll it out which we're gonna talk about later today

um really i think the reason that we're here today to address the fightings

and uh um we've been hearing a lot of violence i think starting from this morning and

uh we actually feel it we understand that really i think the fighting because yeah

god i was just going to say like i want to do a special shout out to gilgamesh she's worked super hard during this time

and because i'm on my way traveling um at this the solana hacker house i've i've made sure my friends are also

helping me by monitoring it and they even said gilgamesh has been absolutely stellar within the community and trying

to address it and help it jerry you popped in as well today to to put a bit of a stop to it so

it's been something i think in the last few days it's built up to maybe today you're on so

do you want to go into the floodings of it so the details about what what's the core people thinking that

we're just going to leave salam to die yeah i mean people feel insecure i think that's what

they feel a little bit maybe betrayal because they think oh you know we did

really went tough on the glc prizes when it was on the salon up to eight dollars and

then we didn't do anything but which is not true which you know when the bmp hit 40 we actually

made some changes but generally speaking i think uh it is where people feel that

we didn't do much when the gic prices on dmv started to go off the roof

and which is uh we've done really tough measurement running back to the

surrounding blockchains but i think i need to address that the bnb chain it is a testing ground

and time is a little bit different so because we're trying to verify with the realm system we were actually

conceptualizing um a week or months away ago sorry that um

while that be a thing that we can uh would that be feasible or plausible so with the realm

system i welcome that explaining how it works later so i'll

spare people to watch the poor bearish interview but

back then right we only have one ecosystem we should surround the ecosystem and we have to treat it very carefully

because we don't want to end up like accidents sorry about talking lexi in that way but again that's really what happens if you

allow the price to go off the roof and people speculate and people are

trade and then when the momentum exhausted the price will win down and then they'll be the end

of the game so we don't want to be end up like that and

we want to be more innovative in creating a really

long term project so with a real system and with the energy

sharing mechanics so basically we are trying to build

a true metabolism so which means that each realm is pseudo

independent but they all connected by the gmt so surrounding rome become

like the base so which is the reason that we try to address here

is that surrounding realm is not being abandoned right with the new design basically people will have much more

diverse choice or what they wanted to do on the surrounding realm um

when i cannot disclose actual mechanics of the um the energy sharing but evil

making salana blockchain's user behavioral activities very much

more interesting in the future so there will be a lot of hinge um down the track so no longer so

basically it's boring now people just mind gst so we're trying to make more diverse

strategies for users to utilize and surround the channel so with many more realms open in the

future so basically people will need a lot of solano sinkers because they need that as an energy source

and that will create a lot of demand for ceramic sneakers which are again the demand for the gst on salinas

so in a way when they are buying all these celina sneakers because

it's affordable right the new round will be much more expensive like on b for example so they are not making gst with those

sneakers on salon chair so meaning that they are buying but they are not spending so that will make the demand for

solana's gst or sneakers maintain a relatively higher level where

most of the user rates are all still based on colors so if the demand is high

then people will starting to buy sneakers on their local realm because uh

this demand will push out the price right so nobody will buy slanted sneakers and thinkers going back to

their equilibrium and when they see there's another opportunity to buy slander stickers because it's cheaper then they will

stand to buy and back and forth again this exactly like the way we design the gst and gmt learning it's all

changed around this equilibrium so if some other secret getting really expensive do i buy the local realms if

the solano sneaker becomes cheaper they'll buy smaller ropes and with the new rom

the git is in a much higher price which means

when we enable the gmt earning the new realm people will have zero interest in earning the gmt

because maybe the jsc will again become 40 for example so that will make gmt earnings on salon

much more preferable and where cylinder chain will always have the highest level of gems

and apparently be more affordable um and then people will basically utilize you know champions

just while going here yawn because there's two important parts to just sorry to interrupt so one of the reasons

we need to highlight why gst is so high on the new realm is because there's a

lower user base a lot of daily active users and there's not enough people mining it therefore making that coin the

higher price yes yes and also they will have people that

speculate the gis prices as now there are exchanges using the bmv jscs um i think

was that the mxc something like that so it's a combination of force of risk

takers speculators and

also being users basically so everything happened even in the real society is that you will come with

different forces all clash and then this is what we see

and this is the thing as well as you're talking there people are speculating on the new coin you've got potential

because it's crypto as well it's not just a game it's not just getting out with such simple mechanics of you're

going to earn this money you're going to spend it it's going to be spent on either a repair cost or purchasing a new

sneaker or whatever there's there's people that potentially purchase up a heap of the token and aim to short a

coin aim to long a coin aim to play crypto like it's it's really in depth

crypto gaming in itself is a whole lot of things thrown into one yeah

not sure if you got that one yawn

can you hear you want jerry at all yes he's okay i can hear you i can't

hear you

yeah so let's wait for you on and uh so it's just got a small disconnection there yeah

okay off the line yeah sorry yeah after the question you're on your way so it's just around

talking about how this isn't just the game it's more because we're in this crypto space we've got people

potentially shorting a coin longing a coin we've got ddos attacks while some of these things are happening like uh

people are trying to take advantage of not just the actual game itself right it's it's a whole lot of risk involved

in these games that you you guys have to see these back end numbers and and make those calls those managements for

yeah so now we are full-fledged 24 7 under ddos attack and uh

again and that almost you know got me thinking that uh something fishy is going on here but

again back on the topic the issue with the

gmt is people seem not realize that

we have plans with celina chain and also we have plans for gmt

in the past two months so roughly we started to take off around march right and now it's may

so from march to may we roughly burned 120 million gmt from minting and other

gmt use cases in the app so we believe firmly that in the end the

gmt will find these right places with more realms be open with more uses coming up

so once we enable the gmt earnings there will be far less gmt circulating

compared to now and then that'll be the new chapters you know of the surrounding blockchain so because

in the bmv chain people probably gonna still earn in the gst as well as the new roms

that the third one but i think that will open up the opportunity for people to arbitrage

between the gst and gmt on surrounding chair first and then utilize

various of different mechanics pretty much only also available on celina chen

because having bnb chain sneaker as sort of energy source will be

very much too expensive

um so talk about that that means obviously when the third chain comes out people

that will have the solana the heavily heavily stacked vaulted sneakers will have a higher benefit from actually

purchasing one snake from the third room yeah so this is to do with the energy sharing

mechanics so we roughly have that design but again

we are not going to tell how the mechanic works up until we are ready to go because we

are still have a lot of things in the pipelines we need to roll out before that so that's the reason gyro is saying

that we're probably going to be four weeks away from uh changing how mechanics are the energy is

shared so i think that's where again a little bit of miscommunication within the team that

we are referring the mechanic the new mechanic installation

for the energy sharing so not that we're going to stop energy sharing

i think uh three and three and a half weeks away from from now

yeah so we were having a whole new system which were adding another

sort of um way for people to earn

counselling so surrounded blockchain well no longer so people

might find earning other things become very much viable versus just earned gsc because in the

end really the whole purpose for us to develop diverse strategies for different

kind of people to utilize their energies

i mean this is what you're saying so 600 million gmt uh released 120 million burn and 30

was the figure that you've set as to when the opening event has is started so we're about two thirds of the way

through into our gmt burning event yeah we will not talk about which percentage

of the gmt can be burned until we enable the gmt earnings because that will

create a lot of speculations and we would rather keep that secret up

until when we're gonna release um the figures and also you know the back end uh we

haven't reached to a conclusion of what percentage basically so i will say

don't guess on what percentage but we'll let people

know once we are closing to that figure and what what can uh what time frame can

we expect for a general kind of announcement for that gmt it's it's really dynamic right so uh if

we are burning the gmt faster than we thought then we will push the jam to earning uh forward it is also

you know it it will um depends on the speed basically how much

um the um how fast basically the gym can burn

what i mean that that's really cool um that is a good explanation for a lot of

solana i mean people need to be obvious earning gmt if it's the same token or you can you can swap one for one from b

bsc into um then there's no way you would earn gmt on binance that's pretty logical to

me so obviously you can get a sneaker for let's say a jogger for 40 solana on um

an uncommon gmt earner on on binance testing is going to cost you uh six to

seven to ten times the amount so obviously price impact you're better off farming it on solana it makes sense so

there's there's nowhere there's no way solana's going and you're saying there i think jerry there was some some uh

pictures put in from you through the week were you saying the mechanics aren't fully there we're not you may not

completely abolish the actual energy sharing it just might be a readjustment which then what you're saying now yawn

is those mechanics need to be built in and this is why we've got that that that time way three and a half weeks now for

people listening yeah so the mechanic design and basically we have to verify if it is a

viable mechanic so that actually needs us to run some modeling before we say yep this is the password

we wanted to take so we have roughly down the design and then we need to verify and then we're going to put into

actual implementations that take about roughly four weeks that's it's my time uh where

we announced that which is uh i think last last week um so

yeah so roughly that's basically the the whole um

sort of uh the big update we're trying to uh make and

really that will break us away from this enclosed ecosystem which we you

know i've talked about of ama is that you know with entropies that we need to actually get

external entropies so that we will maintain the stabilities of the project

and enable the realm will enable us to type into other ecosystem

so the realm really not as simple as people think it's another blockchain it which is not the

case i can run multiple realms under celina chain where i can now run multiple rounds in dmv chat and so on so

and so on so forth so realm is more like a you can consider this almost like a um

a sponsorship or yeah a brand partnership for example i was always just thinking of it as a

different server so you know like you've got yeah like yeah exactly you know like a lot of warcraft right so you have runs

exactly how it works and i mean without i don't want to drop game names and

stuff but it's not it's not limited to a blockchain you said that the team has said it in in their tweet taking on bids

for the fourth slot that could be a high-end partnership with a high-end company that has hundreds of thousands

of employees that you want to they want to highlight it's it's a really great chance for um stefan to take it into a

commercial product and company that wants to utilize the step in game

and for me that's this is this is something that i i took away from it personally

yes and so this is the transition for us actually from a b to c to b to b to c

basically so by working with say they call branded partners we've tried the co-branded

sneakers with ethics and it's great but we were thinking about how can we

do more right coconut capture more users the user that we cannot

capture um without for example this wrong system so

not then you know we will get ideas right so um so they could so the pilots could be

anything anyone which have its own community so it's almost like

we share portion of our community and the other project or other for example our business share a portion of

their community and then this becomes like a one plus one equals three scenario right you know make it

bigger and we roll out one or two so on so forth and that will really enable to us to

reach much more audience because in the end right if we type into

like all the runners all the for example uh people take an interest in exercising there's still going to be a limit but

if we're working with business then basically it will be a series of on-boarding videos and boarding biddies

and making always new opportunities for people right if they love if they miss

opportunities on b b chair that's fine that you know they can go to the third round if they miss a server sort of

that's okay also the first round should always be opportunities for people to explore

and so this is another issue that we constantly ask ourselves what happened for the late commerce

uh you know in a like a game fight where you know the first cameras have all the perks

and they have all the journalism sneakers one left for the later commerce

and we think this will be a better opportunity because everybody deserves a second chance for example that if they

came to celina chen and you seem to be late that's fine you know wait for the next server

and become the first adapters on that server that's right and i mean the price

i don't want to go too deep into prices with the token prices versus solana and we're seeing bitcoin down at the moment

as well but the actual roi is still fairly good on the solana versus comparison of gst because it's still

holding up isn't it there's that two-month roi right roughly i mean not financial advice but to me i see solana

is completely still a viable option yes um i mean i'm i'm also on finance i had genesis sneakers so for the people out

there of course i mean it makes sense to spread your wings and to to actually do that i talk about this every session uh

with people about both chains and stuff like that but it's still tied back to the underlying factor that solana is

going to be the best at the moment to earn gm that that doesn't make sense for me that

that will change does that mean yawn at the moment we know genesis holders um

it's effectively a blue chip nft and then there's going to be the genesis on binance that's the 10 000 one to twenty

thousand um they could potentially hit rewards on the third round the fourth

realm is is that kind of a possibility does that go on to your point now about how you're saying that that might still

be over rewarding the people that have been lucky enough to have been in the system is there could be potential

kickbacks from that yeah like people could sort of be pushing onto the point you're just saying now

i mean i have to uh stand correctly that is 12 thousand because it's only two thousand

a little bit more than two thousand actually on b and b chain um i think two thousand one hundred

something like that because we airdrop some uh uh bnb genesis sneakers to a various of giveaways

let's say 2100 plus a 10 000 that would be 12 000

100 genesis sneakers out there that will receive perks basically and uh again you

know these stickers basically become the ticket people can treat it freely it's almost like a product very whole product

you'll get bullets air drops same stuff so

i think it will be our main objective to

make the app sustainable in the long term because actually we have been

criticized recently for unsustainable and i do understand the concern or even

the scrutinies or questions doesn't matter how or what the reason behind the questions

i i take that as a valid inquisition and we constantly ask ourselves

of how do we make this app sustainable right so we as people can see we

have implemented a lot of new ideas um and uh we are quite

satisfied with the wrong system basically i've been mentioning the theory of

relativity a lot recently that uh the time and space is almost interoperable

that uh with enough time and with we can build more spaces and with enough

space that give us enough time and so on so forth so these two are almost intertwined to each other

where i believe that as we rolling out this new server or

realms basically we are burning the gmt at even faster pace

and enable the gmt and gst price crossover on salon and then

people will be break away from this death spiral assumptions because which

to a point i've been sick of hearing that word and

reason that the death spiral occurred because the token price is ng and the nft prices fall together and why they

fall together because the game token literally worth nothing as it's been inflated

that people have understand with the macro economy if you have a deflationary token

or currency in any country in any economy it will be a devastation to that

economy because people will literally not spend that currency

right so if your currency can buy one bread today if you hold out for another week you can buy you can buy two

bread because it's deflationary it worth more and guess what nobody's gonna buy anything

and we're gonna starve to this so that's the reason every economy you will need to hit that

two percent inflation from the central bank that's how central banks works and how economy works and that's the reason

we need the gst to be an inflationary token to stories

and as we grow they're always going to need a value

captures of that entire protocol or system or ecosystem well community doesn't matter right so in didn't have t

word now with nft but as we are a nft plus token right so

the best value capture is yes a genesis sneaker

and second will be the gmt token sorry i'm not speaking loud enough sorry

i've been speaking all day and uh i almost lost my voice all right you coming out and clear to me um i mean

follow him as jerry so uh just for people you can always manually turn this up as well

um so that's really the concept is once we

build enough flywheels and enable enough gmt being burned

and have that doing in a longer period of time then you create consensus you create beliefs and you

create need and you create actual values and we'll have that then you enable the gmd earnings

and then you'll start to see the gmpgs prices crossover and then when people are earning something with a limited

supply that's no longer that spiral especially that limited supply token we will

provide more and more use cases and that's the reason that we are building a

general project concurrently with stefan and that going back to the manifesting

right so what is the purpose of stepping right yes it's move to earn yes it's

curvedy global warming but the ultimate purpose is to bring

meanings of the web to users to box 3 and to truly offer them a website

experience and that is the purpose meaning that we are building

a whole series of infrastructures that were taking these people on a

series of flywheels so we're gonna release our decks next month

which will be the first step of providing additional use cases for

the gmt and also providing additional features where people can explore

and so on and so forth we'll build more down the track and we'll build better and easier to use

other platforms and ultimately will enable the web 2 users to try step and have their first

decentralized wallet go to the desk make their first work and do and so on and so forth which with

other things i cannot say otherwise they'll kill me so that is the ultimate purpose of seven

and that is the reason we think the whole project is sustainable

and that's the reason that we believe the tmt will be the true value capture

of the whole project and as we create more time

and bigger place more infrastructures and last supplies of the gmt token

you're starting to see how we can make this app or the entire what we call metastructure

very much robust and with the speed we deliver i think we can get this all down by the

end of next year she said the decks for possibly uh june

that'll be july would it and it's already been done so it's a matter of time we

finish the auditing and we can roll it out in june

it's huge news but i mean we know that the last onboarding of developers for the team was a hundred developers so

obviously you've had big big things you're building towards so the dex is going to be on solana then is

it we'll build it across different protocols as we are on boarding more

public channels so it will become second on boarding public trends no

public plan on boarding 7 in the future it's important one because in that that

helps because at the moment using multi-chain people are needing to swap wallets

different different exchanges go different places to get usdc or or even gst into finance and finance under

it's it's quite difficult for them isn't it so yeah we'll build a multi-time swap

for whatever public claim we're adapting we'll have a swap for that

now you're there's a whole heap of stuff that i think we'll be able to ask in the weekend like there's there's going to be

a lot of questions there i just saw one message quickly regarding um things like minting scrolls and how that's going to

affect the game and stuff like that but do we want to get into some crowd questions that's this kind of one of the

reasons we're here isn't it you know we're halfway through so i like what i've heard so far today regarding

obviously people need to think about gst it's an unlimited coin so um gmt is isn't far away from being used being

being earnings and having the two coins people are going to pick and choose which ones to earn at the time the decks

is this this would be the first time that's been mentioned though yawn yeah the decks we found a whole lot of lots of news but

again some people are not understanding what kind of meta structure we are building

and as that is probably around the corner i feel that we can just mention it

and of course we are not mentioning something else we're building as well so yeah shall we

yeah i think we release the tags they will be the number

one i mean the the top three the volume

out of all the text sorry sorry i just you may visit my student um

hundred percent recount you're still working too hard i definitely understand that get some rest

um all right let's get into some of those questions will we open up any apis for community data scientists

api we will find the right time i think uh

we were looking at around the next quarter as we have too much things we need to deliver and

we have to deliver what we promised if it's not something we promised so

they'll be moving on to the bottom of the priority list

um have we got a current data numbers we can track uh current listing of users on

both chains i think we are looking at about [Music]

a hundred thousand not surround the chain and generally probably have the data on the bnb channel

or what are that what a data are you asking for

usually no i'm just saying yeah okay

all right so i'm going to have a lot of questions because these people writing in questions at the very start so the

update on the energy sharing is we will get you'll have to go back to ama and

re-watch it but at the moment the energy sharing exact details won't be given but three and a half to four weeks looks

likely for that we probably can talk about it the week ahead or drop some hint

but it's uh again it will be open up

new models for people to make earnings and having a diverse strategy is always what

we are working on not just mine gfc sell it on the market that's boring

right we're trying to actually produce something is interesting to use

this question is something i've seen pinged out a couple times how will it affect the project if the gst solana

price goes down on a daily basis now i mean it's hard to say when we've got btc

in the market moving down isn't it like seeing that going down on a daily basis with the other

crypto i think we have planned out the next 12 months

of what we will roll out and again it's very difficult to fight this

upwind battle of the beer market and uh for what we believe

uh if the git price goes down let's say for example next to zero

then basically we will basically um design the gmt earnings right so the gs

really the equilibrium of the prices of gsc and gmt

is all sort of intertwined so you cannot separate these two from each other

so that's the whole point of enabling the majority to earn the gmt so that

when the js price goes down they move around gic hr gmt and so on and vice versa

so it is what we designed and we believe that gmt price will not

go to zero for obvious reasons well i mean in the end you're going to have four choices at the moment to pick

and choose so people can earn gst or gmt on both chains in the end um so i mean obviously again gmt on the

binance side of things probably wouldn't be viable with that that gives people ultimately three choices

actually more there is a new system implemented yeah the new systems that's right

i have got uh several questions here regarding the mystery boxes and the the scrolls did we want to talk about that

quickly at least yawn or has there been more data given out to the community

there is no data but i think we can briefly touch some points on that

if you want to talk about that now and i'll just get a few more questions lined up okay so

maintenance scroll uh we basically have run several models and hypotheses

we still think it has to come from the mystery box and uh

positively um proportional to the energy user spend

and also people will expect a completely

not completed people expect

some changes to the existing system

the existing mystery box system is that what you mean

i rather it will stay ambiguous um so

this this is where like answering these questions every day it's it's hard sometimes because obviously i'm yeah

sorry yeah sorry bundock i just i think you can talk a bit more about the

the squirrel um the new design is we will have you know everyone

uh to you know get a chance to um earn or

win the scroll when they run or work not for those people who have you know

more than three shoes uh um i

in this way i think even if you have only just one shoe you will be able to

get a scroll so not tied directly into love and this

this is uh is that able to be talked out is it going to be a secondary user yeah

basically yeah basically it's designed for everyone yeah so cool very cool because if you

know it if people have got three sneakers then they're obviously earning energy at four but if people have got

two sneakers and they want to mint then they may feel left out that they can't because they're not going to get those scrolls and then have to go and purchase

those scrolls all right so at least that's a bit of clarification

right we've obviously got a lot of people here similar very questions salina gst pumped we did that so i mean

do you want to talk about the the dynamic minting and how that was uh when solana pumped up you did a 40 then

a 60 then 100 gmt on solana and the the dynamic minting on binance is very close

to the same thing is it not europe it's the whole mechanic

is the same but the price of jso is different so we are using one universal

rule to govern the both chance gst although the price are different

is the event promoted by corn market cap regarding the steppen nft badge

legit so we did uh i was just trying to think about this so um that was the first thing i've seen about badges is

that one legit that will kick off the badge system

so we will run some test batch which is a limited edition for

coin market cap i think virtual conferences

um the gmt earning mechanics i have asked a question in other amas but is it

going to be different rates on different realms or will the the earning bomb mechanic be shared

across all realms you will share across all realms but bear in mind that in the new realm they

will take no interest in the gmt earning as they will basically rush to that gsc

earnings for obvious reasons basically so from indians so that will

everybody will share one universal um um gmt allocation on hourly basis

but many rom may not take increase of that

i do have a link here from zoli someone's linked this out um an idea here which

is seems quite popular with the ticks in that so maybe you don't include low-level shoes

in vaults so this energy counts when it's sure above 15 for example

we have designed the system to be really

sort of sort of solid plant basically so we've tried

many many other mechanics and i think we find the one that is right so

people can provide recommendations under the feedback channel

but we will roll out the designs and to coach that how the market

responds to it and then we'll do tweaks basically on base of the community recommendation or feedbacks

um there's a question i'm saying there pinged will the next realm be a blockchain so the third realm

has been decided it would have to be the logical guess an assumption um

is there any information we can we can gauge on that or it's it's going to be hard to announce something without the

other team again you know we are again several months uh before we roll out the rounds

so again you know like the meeting scroll we're probably going to talk about it when

we are near of rolling out the the third round

would that be touching on legal implications because then that might create speculation

and sorry so will that create a bit of speculation if we're given this information ahead of

a a legal release date uh yeah so

again you know we mentioned the realm system but again you know i i think people

rather want to see how they roll out and so we have to be really um

you know sort of keep in secret before we write it out

well i do have one here from roger lamb and it's i mean it's this to me looks

negative and fun so i'm going to read it out but you say energy sharing was to help the finance chain grow faster

saying if you stop energy sharing people only have two energy etc and left bst

gst price growing what about solana when the game was first released solana didn't have any energy sharing everyone

had two energy to start with and its favoritism towards finance so i mean for for me i'd like you to talk on it after

yawn but we did special boosts on solana we had a a double gst event we had a

double energy event um there were bonuses to to promote that

that gst pumping at the start so did you want to talk anymore on that yawn i mean still right so

people migrating to the bsc channel many the

surrounding users already right they have a lot of standard salon sneakers they buy one pair of sneakers of b and b

chain then they start to utilizing their full energies on banana

and that will actually alleviate the pressure of the cell pressures on solano right these people are now minting gsc

don't surround the base they are meeting on the bnb and and they are not

you know they are holding the assay but they are not using it that is become

a redundant sort of redundant asset on surround base right so we don't see the

what is the logic behind that claim that uh you know

the bmv is happening on the surrounding there's no logic in that right so bnb

are actually alleviating the cell pressures on salina yeah having their own ecosystem you

don't have people minting gst on solana they're minting on binance instead

all right um a lot of very similar questions

all right any plans for upcoming events i mean we've got lots of events obviously lots of live events but um the

team has said uh live events oh sorry events once a month and we've got big

ones coming out with uh panda skins scrolls um did you want to touch on any of those

in the next near future yeah the panel screen is now down the pipeline and in design

so it will be now officially roll out in the next two update i believe

we pretty much have the screen designed and also mechanic plan out and now it's basically in productions

all right so i don't even really understand this one from ray sure a lot of these

do you guys understand that saying gmt is months away which the team hasn't said that uh months away they just said

it's it's a little bit longer no exact dates that you aren't changing the energy link

for four weeks you've given the green light the green light that no so you've you've

green lit the massive sell-off on the solano chain saying earning gmt will eventually be

better in a few months as little solace assaults just compared to everything in the past month is down 60 percent and

we'll be down more well before gmt um i mean this this is going to be core part

of uh what's fueled the last few days so these are one of the comments here so do you need

me to repeat that yawn regarding the um okay the comments so do you guys understand

that saying gmt is months away and that you aren't changing the energy link for four weeks that you've green

lit the massive sell-off on the solana chain i mean you'll have back-end numbers for this i don't know that i'll

see the massive sell-off but saying earning gmt will eventually be better in a few months as little solace when

everything that was vested in the past month is 60 to 70 percent down and will likely be more down before gmt

so these are some of the comments i'm guessing that we've had in the last uh couple of days okay sure i'll address

that so again i don't see the fundamental logic behind why there will be massive

setups on celina chance why why people need that sneaker to fuel the

bmv chain gst earning while they sell it i don't understand why i mean i've been

sitting here explaining the whole concept for the past hour and people still don't understand that get me to thinking where the fat is coming from

they genuinely don't understand what i'm talking about or they just want to spread the fat

literally i want to ask the audience if

the point i made is either ambiguous or unclear or totally understandable

because really people are playing stefan

they just want to rush in and get their money back and they can set up their sneakers right off

because we're trying to make an app that lasts for many years and now we've been the entire

industry is hit by the beer market and everything went down yes we understand that and we see that liquidity have been

drawn out we see the interest rate an interest hike from the federal reserve in the u.s

that's all happening and we are working really hard to making a stable ecosystem for all our users

and apparently people are not understand that for the simple reason

just want to follow and again i want to urge people that

understand of the reason of the fact are they really fighting or

were they confused right so i think i want to just

make my expression right it was really frustrating to see constant fun i think also gilbert was a little bit of

frustrated by all this thought coming to her yeah she did

she's done a good job through the last few days yes so

we don't care for the people just want to have the money back service thinkers or sellers yes that's

fine but what we're trying to make is a community that are bound by what we

believe and the value we hold not get the money back right

so that's i think the whole point of this ama is to talk to the community

understand the reason of fact if there's no reason behind the fight then

i mean i'm gonna bang this guy

right let's keep going with some different questions here um and look it's it's tough um

definitely been a tough few days and it's important if you guys don't understand definitely go back re-listen

to the ama yawns talk heavily about a lot of these things in the first half and air as well so we're going through

some of these questions um yes and also sorry i also i forgot to address the second question with the gmt

basically everything is rough that's that's understandable and that's how crypto

works and that's how business cycle works you know i have to deliver it they have to pop the bible

but in the end sometimes when we do have a solid community we do have a solid

product and we are burning the gmd every day six million gmt have been burned

every single day and up to the point there has to be a tipping point

where there will be more demand and then supplies and we will see a natural growth of the

gmt a natural increase on demand for the gm as we grow our users as we

roll over on the roads so gmt earning will be made available

even in the most crypto winter time we still believe that

will hold our value and we'll hold our position in this industry

and you did talk about being in a bear market as well like uh you're doing all of this during a bear market it's it's

not really easy on both sides is the game's still moving we're still earning money everyone's going outside and i

mean a lot for me tips into people being more concerned about the the profits

and people need to have a little bit of a think about the fact that this this isn't just

an earning game it's about getting outside it's about being healthy it's about changing your attitudes your life

getting a better mental health and a better outlook from doing an hour a day two hours a day depending on what you want to do we've got live events firing

up everywhere around the world we've had personal life stories and things of people's lives being changed even this

week we had a gentleman travel from canada to greece to to be here for the first athens event um you know this

these these are some of the actual real world success stories people traveling and

the game isn't just about your financial situation you shouldn't be leveraged into these positions you shouldn't be

over doing it and you've got an option at any stage to be able to exit out of the game

i mean solana is obviously in price points but um yeah it's hard isn't it jerry do you want to say anything

yeah i just want to say uh something about the funding in the community i did some you know uh investigation uh in the

past few days and i found um mainly from two different groups

one is from our copycats um uh you know we have lots of you know

projects we are copying our you know um the concept uh product design everything from us

and yes spreading lots of you know no good

awarding in our community and uh i know it and the other group of people

they are basically uh starting a gmt and i think they are the same group who

are doing the ddos attack every day on to our server

now nowadays you even won't believe it because

we have you know more than um 30 um attacks every day

um from different countries mainly from the north but i don't want

to name it but yeah we uh i think the uh

um the uh two groups of people who fighting in the community

and uh um for those people they even you know they even met i think uh some of

them even um haven't tried our product they know nothing about the product it's just

spreading the um starting the community so

uh for our community member i think you are you are playing the game uh actually

it's not a game you are using the app every day and you know we are doing our

best to delivering the the best product to you guys

and if you really love it if the app really helps you uh

after you improve your daily life um i think

um if you stay with us and uh um build a community together with us

yeah just finish here and it really really frustrated me and jerry that uh now

a large portion of energy actually have to be diverse into uh

dealing with all these students that hack so we are facing what like 100 million attack every day

and uh it is i mean they didn't cause much uh to our user

experience but again we got a bit of delay on several of the key elements we want to implement

i think we are looking at about two weeks delay already which is actually

not what we hold our standard for we want to be a further than direct

delay on deliveries but again it's actually quite frustrating

um so does this mean this could the the attacks you're talking about the ddos attacks is why we've got people missing

assets for several hours at times now when the the solana network's not even the binance network i noticed

yesterday was a little bit tricky i think there was a super severe one on the 9th of may and several users called

effective but after that we will be able to withhold all the attacks

i'm just trying to curate through different channels um as well and i mean

i'm absolutely going to talk about health in the game this to me is about more than just gst i've seen multiple

people say your nft's good health doesn't matter if your nft goes to zero

yeah nfts haven't gone to zero your daily earnings haven't gone to zero the gst dump isn't a gst dump it's been a

downgrade people are moving and earning on finance um there is another one here

maybe we should release a transcript of these amas because not everybody is english fluent

uh that's that that's a great idea i like that thank you

um point redistribution i mean that's off topic of the flooding at the moment but point redistribution um

that would be the next yeah that'll be the next uh use cases but before that we actually have uh two

major updates to make um with the um the median scroll system and the energy

sharing system and another major system we will talk about but now being delayed

and then we're going to look at the redistribution of the point

all right we have done the hour there was a good one here from super andrew and i know he's greek because we're going to have a drink on the weekend

after our five kilometer run but this is actually a good one i like seeing this um

we don't care about energy link and bsc about anything we all we care about is

the leadership of the project for step and forward and reassure us everything is

going to according to plan roadmap and even if the problems and issues appear that you're working towards resolving

them um and then give us that vision for the next few months reassurance and key

is good and progression yawn and jerry thank you it's actually really cool to see great community sentiment and jerry

i mean you've had a heartfelt mention tonight you know and this is pretty much on what people need to see is the team

building out and coming in and doing a special midweek ama and reassuring the community we're here we're building

we're not uh going anywhere yes

yep go ahead so i think it's uh

you know when we start the product it's the end of the bull market right everything's expensive

people now really pay attention and then we get into the beer market everything is tough

we have fat we have disbelief we have people shorting us they'll beat us attack

but i mean me and jerry and the whole team been through a lot of hardships right we have difficulty on the

technologies we basically bulldoze over that i think we are being

tested and truly i think in the spirit market and i think it will be even

colder in this crypto winter but i think uh it's never been a

smooth drive for us up until now right you know we're facing difficulty almost every day every second

but uh we're still i think uh holding the highest uh standard of delivery and building and

not only the product but google communities so i think we will get through the beer

market and we'll survive and you know when the bull market comes we'll strive

that's as what we see

just going through the questions as you're going there yawn um all right there's another

low-level user belipton um so 38 minutes in when is this going to

go from being a press release to an ama so i'll lock it up

is because we give the team time to talk and we've gone from around the half hour mark and talked and we've gone over an

hour everything when asked to be transparent the tokenomic impacts of energy sharing

on gst be good or bad the response is forget gst gmt is all that matters

why not propose gmt this i mean this is a little bit frustrating um and i mean

this is the second chat you've had in here if you're not going to have useful things to say dude like i'm going to

give the team the respect they deserve and they've given the community and given us great answers along the way so

if you don't have a great comment or anything like that you're just trying to get your links out there by all means

you're not really welcome in the ama

what about gst increasing gst costs on the steppen app so

i've saw this a couple times in the feed here people asking potentially we could increase the cost of minting on solana

but has the team considered anything like that because the

meeting the rules are shared across different realms right the meeting rules are shared are now on surround b and b

so we cannot have special cases for one realm and you know different for the other that will cause chaotic

and technically it's also very difficult to manage so that's the reason with dynamic

meaning because that will enable us to govern the meeting under one rule but

also be flexible

all right uh one from shuei and i love the showy name do we hear it

correctly that steppen is implementing a dex yes 100 that was that was new news

tonight a multi-trandax multi-chain decks i know that's awesome it's definitely uh something we're gonna

have to talk about heavily through the weekend

um just after i mean after the ama yawn i've gotta head off to the botanical garden soon and set up for the weekend

um after the ama is it possible to stay back a little bit to answer a few additional questions yeah of course

so for people who may have had questions asked that's that's awesome thank you yawn uh we'll spend some time trying to go through it and is the team doxxed yes

100 um do you want to talk about that a little bit yawn i mean

i mean people have been in uh interviewing us and uh like hundreds of times that's yeah there are

a lot of profiles up there around lincoln's i mean what else do you want right

it is funny saying this so i mean other team docs i've been there and and

run laps with yawn so

there's definitely never going to be uh sorry i'm asked answering the question is there ever going to be a possibility

of a bridge for gst or is it always going to be a single on the

the realm it's always going to be separation of that gst it is

100 separation because that's the beauty of a pseudo independency

right so the only thing that connects are one energy and two gmt

because you're looking at a inflationary asset and why you bridge an inflationary asset

yeah yeah i'll get that cool um all right we've probably we've probably come to the time we did have

over six thousand at one stage there uh yawn has offered to stay back into additional time we didn't get anywhere

through the question list obviously there's over six seven thousand people listening on stage um i implore people

i'm gonna make sure i get the uploading going before i go out for the ama and it will take an hour or

two at least i know what the internet's like here so i do apologize for the delay i want to get it out the community as quickly as possible but um

do you want to have any i'll start with jerry first but jerry have you got any closing thoughts for the session and and

the week that we've had i think um

we've already talked about most thoughts i i um it's mainly because the

community made us really frustrated frustrated in the past few days and

now yeah okay it's not a community if it make us frustrated it's a follower

yeah yeah yeah sorry sorry for that sorry for that um so um i'm okay now

and then yawn did you want to um close that off i mean i think we made our point and uh

we have a lot of things we need to build and yes so um we do have a very long-term objective

and perspective of how we're going to grow the seven as well as the other

things we built and the people shouldn't really be short-sighted into just this

single beer market cycle they should be really looking at the long-term perspective of how we grow things

and i think we have recently demonstrated our capabilities of delivering and building a good product

so gst price yes it's dropped and it's dropped with

btc jump with pretty much everything else and yes we are in the beer market and we are looking at liquidity mean

pool uh pull away from the whole market and it will be probably more to come in

the future if fat decided to taper or increase the interest rate but that's

that's life right we're gonna piss the mirror and we're gonna keep building and delivering and then get

through this and as a community and as a project together

um that's awesome like um i i really appreciate the team coming together this week um and like i've said a couple of

times gilgamesh has done a great job this week trying to help as well in the community um

i mean this this is why we're here midweek normally we do the week the weekly amas and updates and we've done

that since december so we've done that uh for the better part of just over six months so it's awesome to have you guys

midweek and to go over some of the fuds and talk about it but i guess this is part of the growth isn't it first step

and and part of our journey yeah i mean still six months old you

know we want to be here again next year this time and talk about this experience and it'll be much more pleasant talk i

think i like it um look we've got we're going to have to

have some unpleasant talks and unpleasant amas and community talking about what they want to talk about i appreciate you staying back yawn

jerry thanks for your time as always and for the community i know there's a lot of questions missed we'll try to get through those but um from the midweek

i'll try to do extra time in the discord myself to get through some of the

suggestions tab to see um if there's anything sort of relevant there it's hard there are hundreds of thousands of

messages going through with it with a full discord but um thank you john thank you jerry and everyone have a great mid

week and i'll see you guys saturday night thank you for being here